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The importance of dress code for ballet classes

Pink tights, leotards, small wrap around skirts are not always the most comfortable and practical thing to use however wearing the proper clothes for dance classes are more important than you may think 

Firstly if you are dressed properly your teacher is able to see you and correct you. Ballet attire makes the lines and body placement much more visible and your instructor can help you to dance more safely.

You may know that everybody has two bony knobs on the front of their hips, and two knobs behind above the glutes (right inside the dimples). The front ones are called the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (or ASIS) and the back ones are called Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS). These bones are essential for a teacher to see if the hips are properly aligned. If these bones are not lined up correctly, there is a high chance that the student will end up over-tucking, forcing rotation, and hurting themselves. Teachers can't see the bones if the student is not wearing correct tights and leotard. We also can't see the bones if the student is wearing shorts, a skirt, or a long shirt covering them.

The second motive why it is so important to follow the dress code is because Ballet requires a great deal of discipline and giving your dancer a set dress code helps them to understand simple rules. Besides, when a dancer wears their proper ballet attire, it reminds them of where they are, not at a shopping mall or park. This gets them in the mindset of learning. And it less more likely to have clothing related distractions during class.

Not only does the dress code help with the class, but dressing like a dancer makes you feel more...like a dancer. Students in their proper ballet attire are typically so much more eager to learn and feel like they’re a part of a group that has to work together.

To finish it is important to always respect your teacher and if he/she asks you to wear something he/she probably has a motive for it so if you are not sure why just ask him/her and I'm sure he/she will be happy to answer you!


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